Send Secure Fax Online

Need to send a secure fax online? Our guide shows you how to transmit sensitive documents safely and securely using encrypted fax services.

Send Fax Online
Learn how to send a secure fax online

Nobody really wants to send a fax. But every once in awhile you do and it's traditionally with legacy institutions like banks or insurance companies. Most of the time - these are pretty important documents likely with personally identifiable information. You must wonder how secure a free online fax service. If the service is free, how are they making money? Some are funded by advertising, others by up-selling with features and removing branding. Regardless, you shouldn't trust faxing secure documents to a free online fax service.

Our online fax service was built on security. Here are several features of our secure online fax service.

  • We don't store any of your data - no email addresses or credit card numbers

  • We instantly delete your files forever once the fax is sent

  • We don't store your files in the cloud

  • We don't insert advertising tracking pixels

  • All information moved across our servers are encrypted

Try our secure online fax service today for a flat fee.

Happy Fax Online Customers

cdh is a happy fax online customer
Mike says thanks for quick support sending his fax online
Scott says thanks for helping him send a one time fax
  • One Time Fax
  • Privacy Focused
  • No Monthly Fee
  • $7.00 per fax